Sunday, 3 November 2019

4 Ways to Run a Business And Have a Balanced Life - JJ Resnick

Why did you start a business? Chances are, you started a business because you had a great idea, a desire to be your own boss, and a desire to improve the quality of your life. But if you're working 80 hours a week, not seeing your family, and never have free time, how has your life improved? Time to take a moment and figure out how to run a successful business and have a balanced life while you're at it. Here are 4 tips discussed by JJ Resnick:

Realize you deserve "personal time".

Many small business owners work too much, with good reason. But, because the business is so important, many business owners allow the business to creep into other areas of their life. Deciding that you have the right, as the business owner, to have some time away from the business, is the most important step to a balanced life.

Give yourself a set schedule.

Before you started your business, you probably had a job where you had to work a set number of hours. Now that you have your own business, the immediate compulsion is to work as hard as you can wherever you can. Why not give yourself a schedule? A schedule will provide structure and order to your day, which will make you focus on the most important things to accomplish and allow you regular time to do non-work related activities.

Write down goals.

JJ Resnick says if you want a balanced life, you have to be as efficient as possible. A great way to do this is to write down goals for the day. Every night, at the close of business, write down 5 goals for the next day in order of importance. Every morning, get started on the list. If you don't finish one, make that goal the first one for the next day. Writing down goals will help keep you on track, but it will also show you that you are getting things done, which may make you feel more comfortable with taking a break.

Seek out a business coach.

Having an objective person look at what you're doing in terms of business development and personal development can only help you. A business coach can observe what you are doing and suggest ways to streamline and improve your business in ways you may not have thought of. Making your business more efficient will make running the business easier, and allow you to focus on other areas of your life. A coach can help you take your business to another level while making sure that you don't get lost in the mix.

JJ Resnick - You already know that work is important to your life, but there are other important things in life as well. Using these 4 tips to run your business and balance your life will give you a head start on living the fullest life you can.

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